It could be a little challenging to eat when you are lacking teeth. To restore your mouth’s missing offering
and resume eating and smiling as if nothing was amiss at all, there are fortunately two excellent options:
crowns and bridges!
Dental crowns can sometimes even strengthen your tooth more firmly than they do to improve the look
of your natural teeth. When a tooth gets broken or rotten and has to be extracted, consider a crown as a
protective covering that replaces and preserves the original tooth. Beyond fillings, dental crowns can be
used to repair fractured or shattered teeth, shield root canals, and cover cavities that are too big for
A dental bridge is a synthetic tooth substitute that comes in a variety of forms. Alloys, porcelain, gold, or
mixtures of these are among them. A dental bridge’s primary function is to stop the teeth next to the
gap from sliding apart, protecting the surrounding jawbone tissue in the process.